Give a hand to make a better world

Spreading Smiles

Spreading Smiles

About Us

Our Highest Ambition is to Help People

Origin and Founder

Nav Uday Kiran is a humanitarian, gender sensitive and child - focus development organization with a vision to restore the lost child hood of children in need of care protection and development. It works to ensure that children have a bright future. It is dedicated to change the lives of needy children. It has been and continues to be involved in meaningful, development- driven initiatives that distinctly impact the quality of life of the weaker- section of the society, in hundreds of slums / villages surrounding the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Nav Uday Kiran was formed in 2019, through the collaborative efforts of some public school teachers. Starting its activities in a tiny one-room structure, Nav Uday Kiran began to function by providing non-formal education to 25 children. Nav Uday Kiran believes that the child’s basic needs are synonymous with his / her basic rights. These include the right to

1 Survival
2 Protection
3 Development
4 Participation

We envisage a scenario where every child goes to school or receives a decent 'alternative education ' and has opportunity to satisfy his / her basics Needs and development

Our Mission

Helping Us
You Helping Them


Become a Volunteer

We Did a Lot For This Time

Come, join us and support us to make this world a better place to live.

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